Expand Your Child’s World

Language immersion programs for kids.

Get started today

In-person Locations

Group language classes available for students ages 1-12

Live Online Classes

Private and group virtual classes available for students ages 3-14

Loritos World

Spanish learning app for students ages 3-10

Spanish virtual classes for teens & adults

Experience the Natural Approach to Language Learning!

Children can naturally acquire language through continuous exposure to fun and memorable experiences in an immersive environment. At Bright Loritos, we stimulate natural language acquisition by exposing young learners to comprehensible language input through the repetition (parroting) of high-frequency vocabulary and phrases during each lesson. 

Why Bright Loritos?

Developed by Language Experts

Our language immersion programs allow children to learn a second language as easily and naturally as they learned their first language. Our language experts understand how children learn and implement teaching methods that will help them naturally learn a second language.

Bring Loritos to your school

We also offer our in-person and virtual programs to preschools and schools.