All rights Reserved Bright Loritos 2023
Bright Loritos provides language instruction for children (ages 1-12) when second-language acquisition has proven to be easiest. We offer unique language immersion in-person and online programs in Spanish, French, Mandarin and Arabic taught by native speakers.
All rights Reserved Bright Loritos 2023
Marhaba! My name is Lubna Hana. I am from Iraq, Baghdad. I have a B.A. degree in Elementary education and 25 years of experience working as an elementary teacher. I am passionate about volunteering in churches teaching children and teenagers in need. My goal is to allow children to have a great learning experience in my classroom and always have fun while learning. Embracing this belief has a profound effect on what and how I teach. I am so lucky and happy to be part of the Bright Loritos team, which I consider my multilingual family.